Welcome to the President's Circle

The support of individuals is vital in helping us continue our mission to provide outstanding cultural opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. Your philanthropic commitment as a President’s Circle member enables us to provide artistic and educational programming to the tune of nearly 100 performances, lectures, concerts, classes, workshops, and exhibitions year-round.

You are an advocate of our historic bluff-top estate and of high-quality artistic and educational programming for our community and beyond. Check back on this page for exclusive upcoming events and information for our President's Circle members!

Membership Benefits

President’s Circle Membership

(2 Named Members)

  • All general membership benefits at Casa Romantica.
  • Invitation to 4-6 annual EXCLUSIVE President’s Circle special events at Casa Romantica and at private homes and/or historic destinations of significance
  • Priority access to information about new campaigns and initiatives
  • Free admission to quarterly Member Parties at the Casa WITH 6 complimentary guest ticket credits ($72 value)*
  • 6 complimentary ticket credits for non-fundraiser events (up to $240 value)**

*Credits are per membership and are valid for duration of current membership

**Valid only for events with a ticket price of $40 or lower in the current season

Upcoming Exclusive President’s Circle Events

President’s Circle members can RSVP to these events by calling our office at (949) 498-2139

Check back for upcoming events!

Gallery of Past Exclusive Events

Know someone who’d be a great addition to our President’s Circle?